Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dysfunctional Heroes

Concept: Gather a bunch of superheroes together into one dysfunctional team and have them "smash" some aliens to a pulp.

Plot: 5/10 Boring. There is nothing new in the plot that separates it from anything I've seen before. It's funny when the heroes fight with each other, but whenever Captain America (I hate him) gets involved, it just turns cheesy and painful to watch. The villain is terrible. Compared with the monstrosity Bane from The Dark Knight Rises (My favorite villain in any recent movie), he is an absolute pussy. Loki the Pussy wants to enslave the human race so he uses some device or something. I don't know because I couldn't follow the plot. It was pretty confusing.

Music: 5/10 Nothing special. It fits the mood of the movie, but it even sounds cheesy (Blaming Captain America).

Acting: 8/10 Great. Everyone really gives a captivating performance, especially Robert Downey Jr. Jeremy Renner is always great (One of my favorites). Scarlett Johansson is always hot. Samuel L. Jackson is always so Samuel L. Jackson. I swear this is the only movie he is in where he doesn't drop his infamous F-bomb. The acting is all around really good.

Special Effects: 9/10 Amazing. This is where the movie really shines. The final battle is so well done effects wise. Everything that was computer generated looked real. The explosions were cool. The camera work was perfect as it showed all the heroes kicking butt in one fluid camera shot.

Entertainment: 7/10 It'll keep you entertained. Even though there is quite a bit of cheese, it ends up being a great movie, full of action. I'm not a comic guy, but I enjoyed watching a bunch of superheroes battle it out in New York City.


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