Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Church Hill Food Tour

Last week, my Creative Writing class took a food tour around the Church Hill area in Richmond, Virginia. It was a great time and we got to eat some great food. Real Richmond was the name of the tour service we went with. We first got to eat some delicious BBQ sandwiches that were delivered by bike. They were extremely tasty and I couldn't help but steal a second one. After that we took a little walk down the street and into a pizza place. That was some of the best pizza I have ever had. The sauce was homemade and had a wonderful spice to it. The cheese was stringy, which showed how well it was made. We went back outside into the rain. After another bit of walking, we stopped at a bakery and ate some cake. It was rich and sweet to the point where I could only eat two of them :(. The stop at the closed bakery was pretty sad. Two family members opened a bakery that everyone loved. But unfortunetly, a fire forced the two owners to shut the place down until it is repaired. Our final stop was a pie place and it was packed in there. We ate some pies with vegitables in them. I wasn't a fan. But then I bought a slice of cocoanut cream pie and it was amazing. I highly recommend taking a tour similar to ours. It showed me how much better small food businesses are compared to commercial industries. 9.5/10

Property Pie Company, the place where we ate, of course, pies.

Buff's Corner. This was the pizza place that was incredible.

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