Monday, September 30, 2013

The Equal Feeling of Equilibrium

Concept: Taking place in a dystopian future where the human capability to feel is illegal, Christian Bale stars as John Preston. Preston is a Cleric, a secret agent for the totalitarian government of Libria. In order to suppress human emotions, the government issues a drug to make the user not be able to feel: Prozium. As a Cleric, Preston must hunt down "sense offenders", or people who can feel emotions. But one day, Preston forgets his morning dose of Prozium. This leads him to be able to feel again, but it also allows him to remember his wife's death. This leads Preston to not only resent the government he has worked for, but leads him to fight against it.

Plot: 8/10 I love the idea of a single man fighting against a totalitarian government (I am a huge fan of V for Vendetta). The plot had a couple pretty nice plot twists, although they contradicted each other. The only plot point I thought was boring was Preston's relationship with Mary O'Brien (Emily Watson), a sense offender who he captured. I understand why it was used, but it was easily one of the films weakest points as the scenes were boring. Of course Sean Bean dies at the beginning, because no movie with Sean Bean is complete without him dying (Literally, he dies in every movie he is in).

Music: 6.5/10 I rate the music of movies because without a good score, then the movie suffers a bit in my opinion. This movie has a pretty poor soundtrack. It fits the movie well, but I wouldn't choose to listen to it any day. It consists of opera and electric music. I'm pretty sure there are just two songs throughout the whole movie that they use. 

Acting: 7/10 Its not bad, but it certainly isn't great. Bale gives a great performance as always. His Cleric partner, however, brings the movie down a bit. Taye Diggs (Who?) plays as Brandt, Preston's replacement partner. I understand that he has to play an emotionless person, but he is the worst actor I have seen in a while. It's actually humorous at points how bad he is.

Special Effects: 3/10 Considering this movie was made in 2002, the special effects are terrible. The CGI is laughable at best. The city of Libria is for some random reason very yellow at points. There is even one use of claymation, which I thought didn't exist back in 2002. At least the gun fights looked good. 

Entertainment: (The most important factor) 8/10 Even though there is a lot wrong with the movie, it keeps you very entertained. The action scenes are awesome and Christian Bale is badass, especially at the end. The feel of the movie is pretty fast paced too, although there are a few slow scenes. 

Overall: 7.5/10 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Personal Info

Hey everyone reading this! Here is some information about who I am:

I am making this blog to make movie and video game reviews and share them with the world. Yes, I'm fully aware that it is not an original idea at all, but video games and movies are my top two interests. I have been playing video games since I was eight years old and haven't stopped since. I just recently got into watching movies with a reviewer mindset, so I figured I would write some movie reviews in a blog. I hope you all enjoy the posts that I will be making in the future. Thanks!

Other Info:

Age: 17
Favorite Movies: Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy, Inception, Evil Dead (Both versions)
Favorite Games: Grand Theft Auto V, The Last of Us, Mass Effect Trilogy
Music: Iron Maiden, Opeth, N.W.A.