Monday, January 6, 2014

One White Lie: The Hunt Review

Plot: 9/10 The movie has a very simple plot. It involves a little girl telling a lie that the main character, Lucas, molested her. The community goes crazy and hates Lucas more and more as time goes on. His son Marcus eventually plays a part in the story, as he tries to defend his dad but nobody believes him either. How can Lucas prove his innocence?

Music: 9/10 Fits the mood. It's very somber and depressing, just like the movie.

Acting: 10/10 Superb. The lead actor (Villain from Casino Royale)  has already received numerous awards, he is that good in this movie. Everyone else is also excellent, especially the guy who played Marcus. (The movie is Danish, along with the actors, so I'm not going to try and type their names.

F/X: N/A It is a quiet movie and has no special effects at all.

Entertainment: 9/10 Even though the movie was very quiet and low budget, I was still on the edge of my seat. You cannot take your eyes off this emotional ride.

Overall: 9.5/10