Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Apocalyptic Beauty: The Last of Us Review

The Last of Us

Joel teaches Ellie how to use a rifle.

Concept: Set in a post-apocalyptic universe, smuggler Joel must escort a girl named Ellie out of the Boston Quarantine Zone and into the hands of the Fireflies, a faction created to stop the spread of the infection.

Graphics: I forgot I was even playing a game at some points. Absolutely beautiful, from the environments, to the character designs.

Sound: I actually downloaded the soundtrack for this game onto my iPod, it was that good. The voice acting was top notch and the cutscenes played out like movies.

Playability: The controls are solid and the gunplay is solid. A challenging game, ammo is very scarce and you will spend a lot of time searching for supplies. The mulitplayer does a great job incorporating the scavanger feel of single player to 4v4 matches.

Entertainment: You will not find a more emotional, realistic story anywhere exceot for Hollywood. Smooth gunplay and fun multiplayer make this one for the books.

This game is not for the faint-hearted. Combat is brutal!

I never cried while playing a videogame before. That changed within the first 15 min. of this game. Those were the scariest, most intense, emotional minutes I have ever experienced in a game before. But it's not just those 15 min. that are emotionally charged. The whole game is just a massive rollercoaster of feelings. One moment Joel and Ellie are having a cheerful conversation in a car, the next they are getting ambushed by hunters. The story is perfect. I never thought I would see so much symbolism in a game before. 

Wrong person to hit in the face.

Combat is brutal beyond words (as shown above). The player is able to pick up baseball bats, 2x4s, machetes, and lead pipes to use as weapons. Better yet, if the player has the proper supplies, he/she can craft an improved version of any blunt object by adding blades to the ends of the weapon for insta-kills. Molotov cocktails, nail bombs, and shivs can also be created to use as weapons. Stealth is a great option for those low on supplies. Joel can sneak up on both zombies and hunters and take them out. Ammo can be hard to find, but weapons can be upgraded at benches the player finds. More guns are acquired as the player progresses (Shotgun > Everything else).

This is the actual game.

I really do not want to say anything else about the game for fear that I will spoil things. All I know is that every other game I play does not or will not compare to this.

Overall 10/10

   You will remember this picture :(